Hello there friends. If you're reading this, then I've been asked back to review a movie Ben would never be seen dead seeing, for some odd reason. Wild Hogs in actuality, was a pretty funny comedy. It's the story of four men and their middle age road trip across the country from Ohio to California. There's only one thing: the road trip is on motorcycles. The great Tripp once said, "Alright already. America liked motorcycles for like three weeks. Did we have to make a movie about it?" As funny an observation as this is, this movie is well worth seeing.
The cast is pretty hefty. Tim Allen (, ) plays a dentist who suffers from heart problems. John Travolta (, ) plays a lawyer married to a super model who divorced him, but he has of yet to tell his friends. Martin Lawrence () plays a husband who took a year off to write a book, but then had to go back to work at the firm because of his tyrannical wife. And, dreadfully, one half of Filliam H. Muffman (, , and ) plays a moronic, annoying computer programmer that provides most of the cheap laughs in the movie. Along with Ray Liota as Jack the psychotic motorcycle gang leader and 40+ hotties Jill Hennessy () and Marisa Tomei (, ), this movie provides what it set out to deliver.

Contrary to the usual movie review, I will not be discussing camera angles, storyline continuity, or the director's artistic goals (if you want all that and more, check out my review of ). I will be discussing character portrayals and musical influences.
First, Tim Allen's role pretty much bit the big one. I'm used to a more confident, grunting, sexist pig Allen that you get from his TV appearances. In this movie he is more timid, weak, and his joke cracking abilities are little to none. Even so, the Tool Man is a good addition to this rag tag group of riders, calling themselves the Wild Hogs.
Lawrence gives the usual black exploitation, with his macho speeches and his "We gonna kick those guys asses" kinda jive turkey nonsense. But still, his part was crucial to the overall comedy of the movie.
Travolta by far delivers the best performance. He's witty, anxious, and a terrible liar. Basically, he's the greatest actor the movie has in its repertoire of thespians. But wait...no he isn't:
Now Presenting: Trehern's Award for Trehern's Favorite Actor: John C. McGinley!
And finally, we get to the bottom of the barrel. Filliam H. Muffman, or as the media calls him, William H. Macy. His role on its own is so bad it can only be compared to a movie just as bad. Let's think...? No, that was good. with Ken Shamrock? Uh-uh...an instant classic. ? Hmm...perhaps even worse. Anyway, it was bad.
However, all these performances together made a great film, which is saying a lot. It was a balance of power, or checks and balances, if you will, of comedic personalities. Whoever edited this film or wrote the screenplay, or whatever these film guys do, they managed to use each actors' performance to the film's overall effect.
The other strong aspect of this movie was the use of music. I'm a big fan of classic rock that really hits the nitty gritty. I'm talking "guys in leather jackets with long beards hitchhiking in the middle of the desert" rock. The bands you will hear in this film run along the desert highway of AC\DC, Aerosmith, and I think there might have been some Van Halen in there. There was even the more obscure Mink Deville's Spanish Stroll, which was enjoyable to hear on the big screen. Basically, music make movie better.
So in conclusion, if you enjoy a good hour and a half of comedy and don't feel like going to see one of those 3 and a half hour epics they got coming out of Hollywood's ass every 9 days, then you will surely enjoy Wild Hogs. Don't forget to bring medical tools, because your sides will be splitting.
Thanks again, Ben, for letting me post on the world famous Ben's Movie Reviews. If I'm ever asked back again, I will review the upcoming straight to DVD classic Dukes of Hazzard 2: The First Hazard Was Making This Show A Movie.
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