Part 1: The Top 5 Most Glamorous Bond Girls
Part 2: The Top 5 Best Bond Books
Part 3: The Top 5 Most Dangerous Bond Villains
Extra!: Upcoming Bond Movie Posters
Part 2: The Top 5 Best Bond Books
Part 3: The Top 5 Most Dangerous Bond Villains
Extra!: Upcoming Bond Movie Posters
Now there have been six Bonds, and this is only a top five list, so of course not everyone is going to get on this list, due to lack of films (i.e. George Lazenby and Daniel Craig, even though I am giving Craig a second chance because I just bought [that’s right, BOUGHT] Casino Royale). We also don’t acknowledge 2-film veterans, like Timothy “The Fat Bond” Dalton (even though The Living Daylights was passable, and had a pretty cool theme song performed by ). With that said, as the final installment of an ongoing series, in association with Ben's Movie Reviews, The Solar Sentinel is again proud to present:

Top 5 Most Dashing and Debonair James Bond Films
5. Goldfinger (1964) --- This was the third movie in the Bond franchise, and probably the most beloved of the Connery run. It involves Bond once again going up against a world-wide villain trying to rob Fort Knox. Auric Goldfinger, the antagonist, uses an ingenious way of making money. He buys gold in a country where the price is very cheap, such as in India. He hen smuggles the gold on his personal airline, bringing it to a country where the price is high and sells it. That's my kind of super-villainy. James Bond, however, puts a stop to this, after outsmarting Goldfinger in a game of cards, nearly escaping a body-splitting laser beam and winning over the always glamorous stunt plane performer Pussy Galore. (That's vulgar!) So sit back, throw a lamp in the tub, paint your girlfriend gold and call up your shortest Vietnamese companion and enjoy Sean Connery in Goldfinger.

On a sadder note, a few weeks before TWINE was set to be released in theaters in 1999, Desmond Llewelyn, who played Q (short for Quartermaster), the tech expert in the films, died in a car accident. He appeared with every Bond (except Craig) and in every movie from From Russia With Love to TWINE (minus LALD). He was succeeded by John Cleese (aptly named "R"). If you watch the movies in order, Llewelyn does a fantastic job of keeping Bond in check, and tying the movies together. Although he only appears for a few minutes in every film, the audience builds a sub-conscious emotional relation with the character that is inherently absent from the newer films.
There you have it, the finale to the "007 Days Past February" James Bond Solar Sentinel Posts. Keep yourself updated on Bond movies here at Ben's Movie News and Daily Movie News. And keep yourself updated on everything else at The Solar Sentinel. As for me, well, I'm on assignment in Costa Rica. I guess the guy I'm suppose to meet isn't going to show... Says his name is Felix Leiter, whatever that means...
Safe journeys, spy fans, wherever you are...
I disagree on the #1. I think the classic soviet gun fights and tank scene of goldeneye put it way before the world is not enough and Bond's full body air bag ski jacket with obvious room for two! (i mean seriously)(although that french actress also in Braveheart was a perfect Bond girl & the villian character was fairly creative) But you nailed all my favorite classic Bonds. Good read from a good Bond series.
I do believe you're correct in saying that TWINE is the most "dashing and debonair" Bond film of them all, since Brosnan is a pansy through most of it.
This does not, however, mean that I think TWINE is the best Bond movie ever [or even in the Top 10]. I think that honor belongs to The Man With The Golden Gun. However, I can see how you decided to go with something from more of "our generation," leaving the [probably] better film out of the list entirely due to a vaguely asexual performance from Roger "Not as good as Connery" Moore.
Overall though - great series. I'm a lot more "Bond Educated" than I was before I read your articles.
Although I don't really understand what the hell you mean by dashing and debonair, I will agree that TWINE was badass. Pierce is a stud, and Denise as Christmas Jones is something next to godliness. Also, that other chick in the movie was pretty hot. I wanna say her name was....Sophie Marceau?