Director: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen

I decided to do a video review this time around instead of a typed one; gotta keep you guys on your toes and shake things up around here every once in a while. Anyway, it turned into about 15 minutes of me ranting, so I apologize for the way it turned out, but Tim Turner added some original artwork to the mix that make it more entertaining than it should be. In the future I'll keep the time down to something reasonable on these, but in my defense there were a lot of things to say about this film. Check it out. Until next time...
Ben, just let me say that I think i enjoyed this movie a LOT more than you and there is a big reason for it. You hit all the little things right on the head, with the monkeys and the refrigerator. The one big gripe I had was that it supposed that Indy was CIA during WWII. But, I think the reason that Raiders and Last Crusade are better than Crystal Skull and Temple of Doom, is that we are much more familiar with Judeo-Christian mythology than Mayan or Hindu. The day before I went to see Crystal Skull, I watched a 2 hour documentary on the legend of the 13 real crystal skulls, and I think that knowledge made the plot and script easier to swallow and made the movie much more enjoyable. I strongly suggest chencking out one of these documentaries about the crystal skulls and then watching the movie again, I think you will find its much closer to Raiders than Temple of Doom.
Ugh...I hate even commenting about it.
I pretty much agreed with everything you said...awesome review.
I'm not gonna lie...I that's what she saided you during the video.
oh yeah, and whats the deal with posting videos on vimeo instead of youtube? is it like the next big thing?
deep thinking was not a high priority for this little episode... it's surprising that this is getting so much attention