The rumors are true. For readers who aren't personal friends and aren't aware, I'm moving from Florida to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. The site will be update-less for a few days until I get out there and get my internet hooked up, so until then you can be wracking your brains for suggestions for future reviews. I'm not guaranteeing anything, but the District 9 review came into existence for the sole reason that a reader requested it. Think about it - movies new and old alike are fair game - and comment if you're interested. Also, if you'd like to submit a guest review of your own, my e-mail inbox is always open. Hit me up at and see if you've got what it takes. I'll see you all on the other side. Until next time...
Dude that is very exciting! Let me know how you're doing when you get settled in. I am guessing you're trying to get into the film industry...what particular aspect? Writing? Acting? Etc... Good luck, Ben!
YAY! Good luck! You will be missed! Hugs! :D
a SEXMAN...life altering move across the country!!