Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival

Hey everyone. Sorry for going MIA around here, but as the title of this post suggests, I've been a little busy over the past ten days. Venkman (aka Joey Paur) and I have seen a ton of movies and posted about them over at , so be sure to head over there for the .

Because Joey and I saw a lot of the same movies this year, we worked out a system in which we traded off writing reviews for the GeekTyrant so there wasn't a bunch of crossover when it came to content. Over the next 20-something posts, I'm going to copy and paste my written reviews (and our video reviews) from the festival over here, and also write little blurbs for movies I saw but didn't have a chance to write about for GT. Until next time...

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