Character Name Game Intro - 1:21
Media Consumed
DC is "rebooting" many of its comic titles - 1:56
Taking Flight: The Development of Superman - 24:15
Slither - 31:11
Next Time: Once Upon A Time In The West - 57:22
Listener E-mail/Voicemail - 59:06
Character Name Game - 1:03:55
Where You Can Find Us - 1:07:25
Would of liked *more* in depth discussion on why Nate Fillion is America's Next Top Blogged About Highly Paid Actor Who In Ten Years We Think Is A Scumbag, Probably Due To Vast Amounts Of Infidelity Or Drugs Or Anti-Semitic Slurs, But Mostly Infidelity.
Great review. I totally agree with you. This movie had a great script that was pulled off wonderfully by some great actors. They were able to be serious without being so serious to kill the humor.
I think this movie plays an important role in the horror genre beyond just another zombie/alien flick. I call it the King of the B-Reels.
I go into more depth in my own review. If you have time you should check it out and tell me if my ideas hold up.