Sunday, June 26, 2011

The NJNM Podcast: Ep. 46 - The Big Lebowski (Guest: Dan Eckman, Director of "Mystery Team")

In this week's episode, Tyler and Ben are joined by Dan Eckman (director of Mystery Team) to discuss the Coen Brothers' 1998 film, The Big Lebowski.

Character Name Game Intro - 2:18

Media Consumed
"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" - 3:35
Lionheart - 6:10

Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons - 8:47
Magic: The Gathering - 12:45

Midnight in Paris - 14:24
Swingers - 16:45

The Big Lebowski - 20:10

Next Time: Wet Hot American Summer - 58:15
Listener E-mail/Voicemail - 59:41
Character Name Game - 1:00:43
Where You Can Find Us - 1:05:20


Chick Magnet Punk said...

First DC, now Eck-Man...come on. Dominic Dierkes soon or we riot.


@ Chik Mag P: We're definitely in talks with an Aubrey Plaza impersonator and a Bobby Moynihan look-alike...

...who happen to be the same person.


I'm partial to Orson Welles's Touch of Evil. Big Lebowski was so weird. I realized midway through that the mystery plot was irrelevant, which further undermined by interest in the characters, who were getting on my nerves by then anyway. Nevertheless, John Goodman beating the shit out of that car with a crowbar was priceless without the dialogue, made even more beautiful WITH the dialogue.